Crowe, M. N., 2025, QGDipoles.jl: A Julia package for calculating dipolar vortex solutions to the Quasi-Geostrophic equations, JOSS, submitted. (JOSS draft)
Crowe, M. N., and G. G. Sutyrin, 2025, Symmetry breaking of two-layer eastward propagating dipoles, Phys. Fluids, 37 (2), 021708. (Open access link) (arXiv preprint: 2410.14402)
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2025, Spectral methods for coastal-trapped waves and instabilities in a background flow, Continental Shelf Res., submitted. (arXiv preprint: 2406.07199)
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2024, Modon solutions in an N-layer quasi-geostrophic model, J. Fluid. Mech., 994, R1. (Open access link) (arXiv preprint: 2404.07718)
Davies, J., G. G. Sutyrin, M. N. Crowe, and P. S. Berloff, 2023, Deformation and destruction of north-eastward drifting dipoles, Phys. Fluids, 35 (11), 116601. (Open access link) (Accepted version)
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2023, The evolution of surface quasi-geostrophic modons on sloping topography, J. Fluid. Mech., 970, A10. (Open access link) (arXiv preprint: 2302.05248)
Johnson, E. R., and M. N. Crowe, 2023, Oceanic dipoles in a surface quasigeostrophic model, J. Fluid Mech., 958, R2. (Open access link) (arXiv preprint: 2211.05093)
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2021, The propagation and decay of a coastal vortex on a shelf, J. Fluid Mech., 927, A38. (Accepted version) (arXiv preprint: 2102.04806)
Crowe, M. N., 2021, The modification of turbulent thermal wind balance by non-traditional effects, J. Fluid Mech., 925, A17. (Accepted version) (arXiv preprint: 2103.08549)
Crowe, M. N., C. J. D. Kemp, and E. R. Johnson, 2021, The decay of Hill’s vortex in a rotating flow, J. Fluid Mech., 919, A6. (Accepted version)
Johnson, E. R., and M. N. Crowe, 2021, The decay of a dipolar vortex in a weakly dispersive environment, J. Fluid Mech., 917, A35. (Accepted version)
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2020, The effects of vertical mixing on nonlinear Kelvin waves, J. Fluid Mech., 903, A22. (Accepted version)
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2020, The effects of surface wind stress and buoyancy flux on a front in turbulent thermal wind balance, Fluids, 5 (2). (Open access link)
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2019, Baroclinic instability with a simple model for vertical mixing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49 (12), 3273-3300. (Accepted version)
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2019, The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 2: Numerics, J. Fluid Mech., 880, 326-352. (Accepted version)
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2018, The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 1: Theory, J. Fluid Mech., 850, 179-211. (Accepted version)
- Atoufi, A., Baker, L., Contò, F., Crowe, M., Doak, A., Doran, R., Guseva, A., Hodgkinson, R., Jalalabadi, R., Keepfer, N., Kontogiannis, A., Lloyd, C., Manchester, E., Morgan, M., Naga, A., Prasad, S., Shahbazi, F., Skevington, E., Snow, B., et al. (2024). Proceedings of the NFFDy Summer Programme on ‘Data in Fluids’, DOI: 10.17863/CAM.107271. (Repository link)
PhD Thesis
- Crowe, M. N., 2019, The evolution of ocean fronts in the presence of mixed layer turbulence, DOI: 10.17863/CAM.44844. (Repository link)