The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 1. Theory
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2018, The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 1: Theory, J. Fluid Mech., 850, 179-211.
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2018, The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 1: Theory, J. Fluid Mech., 850, 179-211.
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2019, The evolution of a front in turbulent thermal wind balance. Part 2: Numerics, J. Fluid Mech., 880, 326-352.
Crowe, M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2019, Baroclinic instability with a simple model for vertical mixing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49 (12), 3273-3300.
M. N., and J. R. Taylor, 2020, The effects of surface wind stress and buoyancy flux on a front in turbulent thermal wind balance, Fluids, 5 (2).
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2020, The effects of vertical mixing on nonlinear Kelvin waves, J. Fluid Mech., 903, A22
Johnson, E. R., and M. N. Crowe, 2021, The decay of a dipolar vortex in a weakly dispersive environment, J. Fluid Mech., 917, A35.
Crowe, M. N., C. J. D. Kemp, and E. R. Johnson, 2021, The decay of Hills vortex in a rotating flow, J. Fluid Mech., 919, A6.
Crowe, M. N., 2021, The modification of turbulent thermal wind balance by non-traditional effects, J. Fluid Mech., Accepted.
Crowe, M. N., and E. R. Johnson, 2021, The propagation and decay of a coastal vortex on a shelf, J. Fluid Mech., Accepted.
Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA