Installation Instructions
Installing QGDipoles.jl is fairly straightforward and can be done using the Julia package manager. Note that QGDipoles is not (currently) listed as a Julia package so cannot be installed using ] add QGDipoles
To install use the Julia package manager:
julia> ]
(v1.10) pgk> add
(v1.10) pgk> instantiate
This package is not compatible with versions of Julia earlier than 1.10 due to the eachslice
This package requires the following dependencies:
- FFTW (v1.8.0)
- Jacobi (v0.7.0)
- LinearAlgebra
- NLsolve (v4.5.1)
- QuadGK (v2.9.4)
- SpecialFunctions (v2.4.0)
- CUDA (v5.4.3)
The specified versions are confirmed to work and earlier versions may also work. These packages will be automatically installed with QGDipoles.jl and do not need to be added seperately.